Femme Piquée Par Un Serpent (Mamadou Gueye), by Kehinde Wiley. Oil on canvas, 2022.
Tax advantages if you support INGEGNI.ORG
What are the taxe breaks for corporate donations?
The tax breaks for corporate donations can be of different types. Companies can deduct the amount donated without an absolute limit but within 10% of the total declared income (without the limit of 70,000 euros, as previously envisaged). Furthermore, always within the limit of 10%, in the event that the deduction exceeds the value of the total income declared net of other deductions, the part of the deduction not used can be carried forward in subsequent returns, until the fourth subsequent tax period ( example, a donation made in 2018 can even be discounted until 2023). For the donor company, the donation follows the cash principle. To support us Click here

What are the max breaks for donations from natural persone?
There are two types of tax breaks for donations from natural persons. In fact, natural persons can choose whether to:
  • deduct the amount (for a maximum of 30,000 euros of donation) at 30%, or
  • deduct the donated amount with no absolute limit but within 10% of the total declared income.
Among all entities, Volunteer Organizations can also make their donors apply a 35% deduction, always for a maximum of 30,000 euros of donation.

Between deduction and deduction, it can be said that those with an income greater than 30,000 euros are more convenient to deduct. Consider the fact that it will be the person who will choose when completing the tax return whether to apply the deduction or the deduction: as for companies, in the event of the application of the deduction it will be possible for the taxpayer to bring the unused part of the deduction to future returns. To support us Click here

Donations not tracked and made in cash are not deductible or deductible (on the other hand, donations made by bank, post or other traceable means are).
If you would like more information on the tax advantages obtained by supporting our organization, or if you want to realise specific donation activities do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to answer all your questions and support you in your intention.
(+39) 349 23 22 030
We are located in Genoa, Italy.
Ingegni.org is a volunteer-based association located in Genoa that raises funds to carry out development actions with the aim of helping people build a better future and life for themselves.
Ingegni.org follow the U-Lab course
Leading From the Emerging Future
An introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.
ingegni.org - copyright 2023